'A fun and effective resource to learn English in context. A great way to learn vocabulary and expressions to talk about food likes and dislikes. Full transcripts, vocabulary flashcards, quizzes and lots more when you sign up at: www.pocketpassport.com For more information email us at: info@pocketpassport.com'
Tags: learn english , esl , english lessons , EFL , study english , english videos , TOEFL , speak English , toeic , teach English , esl teacher , ELL , elt , english conversation , practice english , Fun English , Casual English , Pocket Passport , Natural English , www.pocketpassport.com , How to talk about food likes and dislikes , how to talk about what kind of food you like , ESL videos , a conversation about food , learn natural conversation , ESL teaching materials , ESL lesson , TESL lesson plans
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